Giant Lava Lamps Can Make Your Room Look Impressive

There had been a success story of a company in 1960's and 1970's. The company was Lamps manufacturing company. This company took rights of selling a product which had occupied huge market of the world. This product was named as Lava lamp. This product was designed and made by an Englishman Edward Craven-Walker. He made this product after a great struggle of 15 years in laboratory.

Floor Lava Lamps

Now with the introduction of Giant Lava Lamps these lamps can be used for both decoration and for the illumination purposes. There is an interesting rise and fall of wax in this new huge lamp which looks quite amazing. This wax converts into fumes and give a beautiful look by its movement in the water. Everyone wants that their house should look beautiful. Lava lamps were designed keeping in view the interest of people. These lamps are combination of water and wax. Wax that is used is in solid form and in variety of colors.

Floor Lava Lamps

Wax is usually denser as compare to water, but in warmer conditions it is less dense as compare to water. So as they are heated wax start to move upwards in the lamp. This looks very beautiful. After using the lamp, when it is switched off, wax takes one hour to get settled down in the lamp.

So in these Giant Lava Lamps wax shows a great view by rise and fall in the water. Wax is given heat by the ordinary way that is by filament as seen in bulbs. After the usage the wax goes down and become solid again and water remains there. And no color is seen again. It takes an hour to get wax turn solid and to settle down at the bottom of the glass container.

There is a large industry of these lamps in the world. Now even people are also manufacturing these lamps in house, so home manufacturing industry is also expanding. There is much risk involved in making them and using them also. For the manufacturing of the lamp, water and isopropyl alcohol are mixed at the first stage and then mineral oil is also mixed. As the water and the mineral oil is to be denser and should have a specific gravity, so sodium chloride in also added in it.

If we see these Giant Lava Lamps every one can say that these lamps are easy to manufacture. If we make in depth analysis of how these lamps have been manufactured, it can be seen that law of conservation of energy has been used. It means that there is pure conversion of energy from one type to another. In these lamps heat energy is converted into kinetic energy.

Now the big problem in this world is energy crises, people want to save hydro bills to save money. Lava lamps are great innovations for this period. These lamps can save energy, give maximum light and add beauty to houses. They are great pieces for decoration.

There are many advantages of these Giant Lava Lamps. We can't say that there is a disadvantage of it, but these lamps should be used with proper care. When switched on, try not to shake the lamp, this caution should be kept in mind.

Giant Lava Lamps Can Make Your Room Look Impressive
Floor Lava Lamps