Oldish Lava Lamps Are the Best

'Trends' have been observed in a trend of coming and going. One day a particular style or design is 'in' only to wake up the next morning to discover that it is 'out' as quickly as it came. This phenomenon appears to be pleasing sometimes but the others it is simply not. However, things that were popular decades ago seem to be in a 'trend' of coming back with a super fast speed.

Floor Lava Lamps

Same is the case with an item from the 60's, which had disappeared into the pit once but now is back with a full swing. We are talking about the lava lamps. As far as I am concerned this entry would have been remained unsaid.

Floor Lava Lamps

During my growing up period I saw these lava lamps with many friends of mine. I remember thinking it to be the coolest thing in fashions then, that I had ever seen. My elder sister, in her apartment used to have lava lamps too. My memory serves me for the moments when I asked for lava lamps for my birthday and even for Christmas but unfortunately no one got me any. Mom gave me a reason that we did not have extra plug in for lava lamps. She also believed that they were ugly that is why I couldn't even had one in a different corner of the house. Well, that was her opinion. As far as I am concerned I absolutely loved them as a kid and can't be more happy to have them back now that I am a grown up and can afford one on my own.

Nevertheless, even as a kid I couldn't remember the temptation of having one of my own lamps and reading by its light at night. So what I did was that I pulled out the money that I had saved through a babysitting job and went out for shopping with a girlfriend. Clearance was offered on one shop so I bought one. Afterwards I brought it home and made it up to my room, where I had in my mind that it would deliver a nice glow from my closet and mom will never notice.

However, I found my mom right on the point that we did not have much outlets in my room, so, I took the extension cord from the store room and pulled it through the back of my dresser into the closet. I placed the lamp at the top of the box that it came in and turned it on. The color appeared to be an ugly one that is why it was on clearance. I still had a thinking that this brownish orange blob rise and fall it great to watch. In a while mom called me downstairs to have my dinner. Shortly after that we heard a crash and my cat was visible with puffed out tail and she was running down the steps. She looked shocked hurled herself under the coach. That crash was actually brought down by knocking over my newly bought lamp.

My mom took about a minute to figure out what had happened and why that liquid was flowing through the stairs. Then, only to confirm her doubts, she also saw the box. After that I was asked to clean the mess of course which I smugly did.

Now, whenever I think of that particular day and my obsession with the lamp I can't help but to smile. My appetite for antiques has never been satisfied though. I can't wait to go out and get a the lava lamp again.

Oldish Lava Lamps Are the Best
Floor Lava Lamps

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